Our Team
Home Entertainment Express – Foundation Member of CHERPA

About Us…
Home Entertainment Express began in 1991 as a home delivery movies and games library.
Along the way, we expanded our rental base and dedicated ourselves to providing our customers with affordable access to the latest high quality household goods, furniture and technology.
Today sees Home Entertainment Express as a leading household goods rental company, offering clients an affordable rental service, with over 25 franchises Australia wide.
Home Entertainment Express rents an extensive range of brand new, up to date household goods and technology, giving its customers access to the latest products on the market with pricing and terms to suit almost all budgets, circumstances and lifestyles.
Our Rental Range…
Our rental range includes:
- Whitegoods – refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers, washing machines, dryers
- Furniture – bedroom, loungeroom, dining, entertainment, office
- Televisions – high definition, smart and 3D
- Computers – laptops, 2-in-1s, desktops, all-in-ones, tablets
- Game Consoles
- Smart Phones – iPhone, Galaxy
- Smart Watches
- Cameras
- Audio Visual – BluRay, home theatre, sound systems
- Cleaners – barrel, upright, steam
- Heating and Cooling
- Kitchen appliances
- Outdoor – BBQs, outdoor settings, lawnmowers, whipper snippers, sheds
- Exercise – treadmills, exercise bikes, GPS heartrate monitors
Check out our products online and you’ll soon discover why our customers choose to rent their household goods products through Home Entertainment Express and why they keep coming back.
Your Local Rental Specialist.